Golden Six Arnold Schwarzenegger Workout Routine

Experience Level:  Beginner , Intermediate
Weeks:  Indefinite
Periodization:  Linear Periodization
Meet Prep Program: No
Program Goal : Hypertrophy
Uses 1RM Percentage(%): No

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s “Golden Six” workout routine is a 3-day beginner bodybuilding routine that can be run indefinitely. It was used in the early days of Schwarzenegger’s training before he started higher volume training programs

While the “Golden Six” program is often labeled as a “beginner” program, this designation is primarily due to its simplicity and high volume. Advanced lifters might struggle to maintain the prescribed volume of 4 sets of 10 reps with straight weight three times each week without variation in load between sessions.

Spreadsheet: Arnold Schwarzenegger Golden Six Workout Program

You can log the weight and total reps (e.g., 4 sets of 10 reps = 40 total reps) for each movement to help track training volume over time

If you fill out all 12 weeks in the spreadsheet, you can simply right-click on the “Golden Six” tab, select duplicate, and begin tracking the next 12 weeks of your training.

Overview: Arnold Schwarzenegger Golden Six Workout Program

The strength of this routine lies in its simplicity. By completing the squat, a horizontal pressing movement, a vertical pressing movement, chins, curls, and sit-ups, the athlete effectively trains the entire body.

While the lack of deadlifts is problematic from a powerlifting perspective, it’s less of an issue for individuals primarily training for aesthetics and general strength.

Selecting Starting Weights

You should plan to allocate the first couple of sessions to understanding what weights you can comfortably perform. Do not be afraid to start “too light,” especially if you’re generally untrained or if this is a higher volume program than you’re previously used to.

As Golden Six is a bodybuilding program, the goal is to feel the “squeeze” in your muscles and develop a mind/muscle connection, not to constantly add weight onto the bar.

With that said…

Progression & Adding Weight Onto the Bar

If you’re contemplating whether or not to add weight to a given lift, perform an AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible) set on the last set of that movement. If you can get 13 or more reps on that set, then add weight.

For example, if your programmed squats call for 4 sets of 10 reps at 245 pounds. You hit all 10 reps on sets 1, 2, and 3. On the 4th set, you are feeling good and go for extra reps and hit 14. Congratulations! You can add 5 lbs / 2.5 kg. If you hit 11, then keep the weight the same for the next session.

Every session is an opportunity to add weight. This can mean up to 15 lbs / 7.5 kg added to a lift per week (assuming you add 5 lb / 2.5 kg per session) – so, again, don’t be afraid to start a little light. There will be a lot of time to add weight.

Workout Routine Exercises

As you probably noticed, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Golden Six program got its name from the six exercises that comprised the workout.

Happy lifting!

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